In this second lesson on Experiencing the Peace of Jesus, we will be exploring the following themes:
1) What is the true "peace" that Jesus provides?
2) How can we overcome doubts and fears?
3) How can we overcome obstacles to stress in our lives
4) How can you Experience the "peace" of Jesus
As background, here of some of the scriptures we will be using:
1) To understand the "peace" of Jesus read John 14:23-John 16:33.
a) Relate the "peace" of John 14:27 and John 16:33 to the context of what Jesus is relating.
b) How would you define this "peace" ? Absence of conflict? Something else?
2) Continue the time after the Day in the Life of Jesus by reading Matt. 14:22-32
a) What are the "storm clouds" that threaten you in life?
b) Do doubts and stesses sometimes make you afraid? Why?
c) Do you sometimes ask "where is God" and feel alone?
d) Why was Peter able to walk on the water? Why did he begin to sink? How was this related to events he could not control?
3) Overcoming obstacles: What are we told about self-control and discipline? See Prov. 16:32;25:28; Gal. 5:23; 2 Pet. 1:6; Deut. 8:5; Prov. 5:23; Prov. 15: 5, 10, 32; 2 Tim. 1:8
a) What does discipline and self-control have to do with overcoming stresses in our lives?
b) Does self discipline and self control leave God out of the equation? Why not?
4) Read 2 Cor 11:16-12:10 and Philippians 4:4-8
a) How do Paul stresses and troubles compare with yours?
b) Were Paul's Prayers answered? How?
b) Did Paul Experience the Peace of Christ?
c) From Paul's exhortation how can we Experience the Peace of Christ?
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