Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Posted below are the slides from the class on Experiencing the Freedom of Jesu

In this lesson we will be exploring the Freedom that comes from following Jesus.

I. W'hat are the kinds of "baggage" you are carrying around?
a. guilt, discontentment, weariness, grief, doubt, loneliness, fear, etc.    Matt.  11:28-30; Ps 23; 2 Cor 5:1-10; 1 Peter 5:5-8
b. What is your responsibility towards others who have "baggage"? 2 Cor 1:3-5; James 1:20-25

II. How can you be free from want? Ps. 23;
a. What makes you discontented? Philippians 3:7-29; James 1:12-15 Ec. 5:13-17
b. What is biblical contentment? What makes the difference attitude or circumstances  Phil 4:10-13
c.  Why should our attitude be one of gratitude ? Col 2:7; Heb. 11:28; Phil 4:6

III. Why should should you be free from hopelessness?
a. The place of truth John 8:31-38
b. The place of Christ Eph 2:12
c. The definition of hope Romans 8:22-28
d. How do you overcome hopelessness? John 14:6-8; Luke 12:4-7; John 12:23-26

IV. How can we be free from Fear? Lamentations 3:19-25; Luke 22:39-41; Mk 14
I John 4:18

V. How can we be free from Shame?
Proverbs 28:13;Romans 7:6; .I john 1:9

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